dear Steve… while we are speaking about Masami, i remember he worked with Duran Duran side project Arcadia at the mid 80s. Their So Red The Rose album was full of famous musicians… Did they approach you as well while they were recording it? Thanks a lot.

Nick Rhodes asked me if I would consider joining the band, which I think occurred prior to Masami being asked.

4 thoughts on “dear Steve… while we are speaking about Masami, i remember he worked with Duran Duran side project Arcadia at the mid 80s. Their So Red The Rose album was full of famous musicians… Did they approach you as well while they were recording it? Thanks a lot.

  1. Yes… but Arcadia sound was not bad at all… More experimental, not very Duran formula… For me So Red The Rose was like a Duran album which they couldnt dare to make as Duran Duran. šŸ˜‡


  2. With Carter-Clowes here. You would have been wasted with that talentless bunch of haircuts after all that time spent with that other haircut.


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